Quality Remodeling Home Improvement Corp. Frequently Asked Questions

Energy Efficient Home Improvement FAQs

Does My Significant Other Need to be at the Appointment?

It is in the best interest of the customers to have all decision makers available for several reasons. It is difficult to make an informed decision without the other present, especially if the colors and choices decided upon will vary between the two of you. Also, the information would be heard twice by the party initially involved with the presentation. Please call QRHI Corp today to request your free estimate appointment, 1-877-823-8881.

Is There Any Cost for a Demonstration?

The consultations are absolutely FREE. No cost and no obligation for our potential new customers. Please call QRHI Corp today to request your free estimate appointment, 1-877-823-8881.

How Long Will the Appointment Take?

On average, consultations can take anywhere from half hour to two hours. It is dependent upon the questions our potential customers have, as well as the size of the project and the time it takes to select color options.

How Long Will Our Project Take to Finish?

This depends on weather/size of project.

When Will Our Job Get Started?

This depends on the time of the year, product being installed, and the lead time of the material.